Soundproof Windows, Sliding Glass Doors and Recording Studios
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Information for Architects & Acoustical Engineers


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Energy Savings and Insulation Values

Soundproof Windows added to existing windows help insulate and conserve energy. By adding Soundproof Windows, the following can be achieved:

99% UV Blockage

Low-e glass typically blocks less than 71% of UV radiation. Soundproof Windows use laminated glass which blocks 99% of UV radiation.

Soundproof Windows LEED Referenced Energy Performance Chart


LEED Referenced Energy Performance Requirements Chart showing U-factors for windows and Soundproof Windows.

Click chart to enlarge



Project Flexibility

We offer many flexible solutions to solve noise problems. Our low profile secondary windows are designed to stop noise and air infiltration, and improve the insulation values of the primary windows. Energy savings will pay for these windows quickly. Our windows are fully operable, available nationwide, and come in many configurations. There is no need to replace the existing windows or change your designs to use a different primary window. You can simultaneously soundproof and add insulation with Soundproof Windows.

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Soundproof Windows Case Study



Window Redesign & Rework Not Required

The primary windows chosen for your project do not need to be modified. Soundproof Windows are secondary windows and are added behind your preferred window to achieve the maximum amount of noise reduction. Soundproof Windows can be added to one area, one side, or the entire project.

The outside appearance stays the same, but can be changed later, and other areas that were not originally designed to be soundproofed can be addressed.

Historical Restorations and Building Conversions

Soundproof Windows can be added to glass in historical buildings where various scenarios can prevent removing the original windows and glass.

Insulation and soundproofing can be achived in such situations, in addition to solving air infiltration issues found in older windows. It is possible to double the insulation value of the window and reduce air infiltration by over 95% by adding Soundproof Windows.

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