Health Risks of Noise Pollution Addressed by Noise Blocking Add-on WIndows
RENO, Nev., July 23, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — It is a significant cause of sleep deprivation, stress, hypertension, and heart risk. The problem is noise pollution and it invades our work places and homes constantly. Recent studies published in Environmental Health Perspectives indicate that noise levels at night may also increase the risk of heart attack by chronically elevating stress-related hormone levels. It’s clear that noise adversely reduces people’s health and quality of life. Environmental noise is one of the major causes of disturbed sleep. Uninterrupted sleep is critical for proper physical and mental functioning in healthy individuals. Apart from various effects on sleep itself, noise during sleep causes increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, narrowing of the blood vessels, changes in respiration, cardiac arrhythmias, and... Read More →