Soundproofing – Real Estate Advantages

Improved Real Estate Values

Homes sell better if they have a quiet environment. We have many customers that vastly improved the values of their homes by adding soundproofing. If you have a noisy approach to your home, but a quiet environment when you enter it, it is impressive to most home buyers and they do not dismiss your home as unacceptable as quickly as they will if it is noisy inside the residence. Many customers credit our windows with selling their homes quicker and at a better price. A large number of our customers are buying from us because they did not realize how noisy their new home would be and greatly benefited from soundproofing.

One developer built a dozen homes near a freeway with a sound wall. The upstairs bedrooms overlooked the sound wall and were very noisy. He did not install our soundproofing windows, but offered them as an upgrade. Almost all of the buyers bought the upgrade.

Near the end of the project the developer emphatically stated:

“It took me over a year to sell these homes in this active Northern California housing market (1999). If I would have just installed your windows in all the homes to begin with I KNOW I would have sold all of them within 4 months. The interest I would have saved would have paid for the windows several times over. I won’t make that mistake again.”

He bought windows for the last three remaining homes and sold them within just a few weeks.

Location, Location, Location is true. Many good locations are noisy locations. If you can add “but with no noise”, it is an even better location.

Hard to Sell Homes Benefit from Soundproofing

Installing soundproofing can also help sell homes close to busy freeways and traffic areas. Find out more about how one frustrated homeowner was able to sell his home only after soundproofing against traffic noise.

Commercial Considerations for Soundproofing

Commercial properties have many things to consider when comparing window alternatives. In addition to soundproofing, here is a list of insulation related benefits that may apply to your specific situation:

  • Lowered utility bills that pay for the windows or add value to your building
  • Reduced maintenance because of reduced use of the heating/cooling systems
  • Instant increased capacity of existing heating/cooling systems
  • Increased rents possible because of those features listed above
  • Possible energy credits, rebates, or other community public relations benefits

Please feel free to browse comments from our customers which demonstrate the effectiveness of our soundproof windows and sliding glass doors at stopping noise.
